The 5th Annual Scholarship Fund Golf Outing in support of scholarships for Michigan Laborers’ and their families was held on September 21 at Eagle Eye Golf Club in Bath, Michigan. The event had 160 golfers in attendance and raised $193,450 for the scholarship fund. The teams and sponsors were made up of numerous organizations, including LIUNA local unions, signatory contractors, association partners, money managers, and labor movement supporters.
The Michigan Laborers’ Scholarship Fund is very grateful for the overwhelming support we receive from sponsors and participants year after year. The proceeds go towards scholarships supporting Michigan Laborers’ and their family members’ enrolled in college or university, vocational school, or technical school.
The support has enabled the Scholarship Fund to ease some of the financial burden that falls on the hard-working men and women of LIUNA. Last year, we were able to give out 39 scholarships for a grand total of $39,000 to Michigan Laborers and their family members.
Applications for 2024-2025 school year scholarships open September 1, 2023 and may be found on the Members Page of our website.